Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies and similar technologies to improve user experience. By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of cookies. Below is our policy regarding the use of cookies:

  1. What are Cookies: Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or mobile device. They are used to store user-specific information for providing personalized user experience.
  2. Types of Cookies We Use: The cookies we use include session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain for a period of time after you visit the website.
  3. Purpose of Cookies: We use cookies for analyzing website traffic, personalizing user experience, providing advertising services, etc.
  4. Controlling Cookies: You can manage the use of cookies through browser settings. You may choose to accept all cookies, accept only certain types of cookies, or reject all cookies. Please note that disabling cookies may affect your access to and experience with the website.